Friday, June 15, 2007

Part 9: Now I can only go up

Tuesday June 12, 2007.

They say that after one hits rock bottom, one can only go up from there. And up I went. I Met Stefan Birmanns, who has the coolest accent ever. He is from Germany and specialized in virtual reality and such. It’s really impressive what he does. Plus, he has the most awesome toy ever: a haptic device. It’s an inverse robotic arm that lets you “feel” things that are in a virtual 3D environment.

And about eating cold chicken: never again. I’ve decided that I’m going to eat cold meals (meant to be eaten cold) for two months. I’ll leave the hot stuff for dinner. So I brought myself a turkey sandwich and that’s pretty much what I’m going to have every day.

Talking about lunch, I still haven’t got used to having lunch at noon. Why would anyone want to eat so early, just to be starving again by 4:00 pm?

Today a nice girl came knocked on the office offering hotdog tickets for this food drive or something. They were 5 bucks. I mean, I don’t want to look unfriendly, but I’m not sure if I want to spend 5 dollars on a hotdog. She told me that if I wanted to help without buying the hotdog, I could simply bring canned food. I didn’t want to spend that much time explaining to her that living as a foreigner, canned food was the only thing that kept me alive, so I bought the hotdog and that was it.

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