Friday, June 22, 2007

Part 15: Smells like someone “arted” here.

Thursday June 21th, 2007.

It’s been two days that Ananth hasn’t come into the office (Tuesday and Wednesday). I have a mixture of feelings: on one hand I feel really relaxed that I can work at my own pace without being watched; on the other hand I feel that the more time he’s not here, the more work he’ll be wanting to see achieved when he returns, and that is a very dangerous situation.

I think I’ve made some progress, I mean, before he left I was not able to compile anything, and I was running a Java-enabled programming environment. Since he left I was able to figure out how to download the C++ plug-in, install it, add the include files, add the binaries and compile a “Hello World” program. I haven’t been able to render anything, but the basics, I got them.

In the afternoon we went to the Contemporary Arts Museum. Personally, at first I didn’t want to go, because I have a problem with contemporary artists: you see, when you hear about classic artists you can have certain confidence because the work you’re looking at has prevailed through time, and the artists that should be forgotten are already forgotten and only the best ones still stand. In contemporary art, you can’t. Anyone can be “contemporary”, and anything can be called “art”.

There was some interesting stuff in the museum, but nothing to be really amused. Taking pictures wasn’t allowed inside, so I didn’t take any. Plus, we had someone on our backs all the time, saying “Do not touch” every time we came near a piece of crap, I mean, art.

The only cool thing in the museum was the gift shop. It was full of curious things and mind games and whatnot; really eccentric stuff. We spent a lot more time in the gift shop than in the whole museum. I think we were there for a couple of hours at most.

Later on, we went back to our apartments and into the swimming pool. At around 9:00 pm I left to take a bath and went to the gym. I watched the Mexico – Guadalupe soccer game. Mexico won 1 to nothing and passed to the finals against USA. It’s going to be interesting. Sadly, Mexico has been playing tremendously awful, so I don’t have my hopes on. The goal against Guadalupe was awesome, though.

I really want to go to Colorado; I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Every day I think about it a little bit more. I’ve searched flight tickets and they’re not that expensive. I should go. I really should.

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