Friday, June 15, 2007

Part 5: WTF?!

Thursday June 7th, 2007.

What am I doing here? I don’t know anything there is to know about the project. I spent the whole day reading code (the project is about a computer simulation written in C++) and I still can’t decipher anything. I can’t compile it either, so, tough luck.


Friday June 8th, 2007.

Same thing: reading, reading, and more reading. I now know what the code does, but haven’t been able to compile it. I’m afraid Dr. Ananth will find out that I don’t know what I’m doing. I love programming, I nailed the interview, I understood what the project was about, but my lame-ass laptop won’t compile the code.

So I think Dr. Ananth realized what was happening because he got me to backup everything and install Linux to a computer that was in the lab. So I called IT department and did so. They took the computer and that was my day.

Too much stress… Thank God we have a swimming pool. We’ve been at the swimming pool nearly every day.

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