Friday, June 15, 2007

Part 4: My first day, now for real.

Wednesday June 6th, 2007

I woke up, got ready, wore a fancy suit, and by 6:56 am (says so in my bus ticket) I was on the bus. I had to be at 7000 Fannin Street at 8:00 am. Everything would have gone great if only I hadn’t written the address wrong! The night before I checked how to get to 700 Fannin. So I got off the bus at the TMC Transit Center and took the MetroRail north to Main Street Square. To give you an idea, it’s as if you took a train north for half hour. I was far… really far away from where I needed to be.

I got there, with my fancy suit, directly into downtown and not in the medical center, to the corner where the building should have been. After 10 minutes of walking in circles I called Dr. Moreno. He told me to look for the only building that was taller than 20 stories high. “I don’t know how to explain it to you, Doc, but there are more than a few”. So I called Dr. Adol, and after a little while he realized that I was lost and way off from where I was supposed to be. I took the Rail back south and met him at his office: the building just next to the TMC Transit Center. How dumb I felt.

I got late for my meeting, but everything went smoothly from then on. And after nailing the interview with Dr. Ananth, I started immediately, got my badge and got to work.

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