Monday, June 18, 2007

Part 12: I’m hungry for RICE

Friday June 15th, 2007.

I don’t think I did anything impressive (or even useful) at work, but in the afternoon there was a dinner at Rice University and my friend GabyAle was invited. Since she could bring family with her, I went as her husband.

Rice University, for those who haven’t been there, is like Hogwarts. There you are, in this huge campus (that has only 3,000 undergrad students) with big fields and beautiful buildings.

Up until this point, we had been living at Husky-fucking-Village for two weeks and without a drop of alcohol; so the first thing we did was to go to the bar. Had a couple of beers and headed on to the dinner.

After the dinner, we returned to the bar and I saw what I never thought I would see again: New Belgium Beer!!! They had Fat Tire and Mothership Wit. So I had one of each and we all went on an alcohol hunt.

Our first stop was HEB. So we went inside and grabbed some beer and stuff. At the checkout, this Mexican guy named Guadalupe asked for our ID, so Paulina grabbed her voting license to what ‘Lupe’ said he couldn’t accept because he couldn’t have way of knowing it was an official ID. So I showed my license, but same thing happened: “Those are Mexican IDs”. Morris then showed his Visa, and when Lupe didn’t accept it, I lost it. “The Visa is NOT a Mexican document! It’s issued by the U.S.” I told him, “Here, this is my ID from Colorado” but he wanted a Texas ID, so we all got pissed that a guy named Guadalupe that spoke worse English than any of us had just looked down on us for being from Mexico. What a douchebag. The manager told us the same thing so I told him that we were going to Fiesta to get the beer, and we left.

We arrived at the Fiesta just to find out that the liquor store was closed, so we went to a gas station, bought alcohol there and that was the end of it. We should have done that in the first place.

Fuck you, Guadalupe. For a moment there I almost told him “I’ll show you my ID when you show me your green card.” But I wasn’t looking for a fight.

We all returned back to the apartment and got hammered. It was a good day after all.

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