Monday, June 25, 2007

Part 16: What’s a nice place like this doing in a girl like you?

Friday June 22nd and Saturday June 23rd, 2007.

In the morning nothing new really happened; you know, got to the lab at 9 am, turned my computer and laptop on, built some code (or tried to), waited for half an hour for my laptop computer to really finish turning on.

At 11:00 am Dr. Adol and I attended a conference called “The Internet’s underground economy”, by Rob Thomas (not the artist), founder of Team Cymru. It was pretty interesting as well as entertaining. It talked about how unsafe credit card information on the Internet really is, as well as some other things. Also, there was a free lunch, so that was really nifty too.

In the afternoon we went and bought some beer at the Foodarama (now we know better) and spent the rest of the afternoon and night playing “never ever have I ever” in the girls’ apartment. Always a fun game. We were there, all talking and laughing, in a cheerful environment. Suddenly I began to feel cold, so I tried to reach for a blanket to cover, because my bed was freezing. It didn’t take me a while to realize that it was already morning and that I had slept on the rug. When was the party over? There had been no actual transition between me being in the party and me falling asleep. Blacked out. Can’t remember a thing. Hung-over as I could be, I managed my way to the top of the bed, still in the girls’ apartment, to sleep next to GabyAle. She looked at me with that “I told you so” kind of face. She later told me all the things I had said last night and all the things that happened in the party that I was supposedly at. Funny stuff. Too hung-over to really care. Plus, I didn’t do anything to regret, aside from a couple of comments maybe.

I got to my own room, took a shower and had some breakfast. I’m really running low on food, the only thing I really have left are the Mac & Cheese.

In the afternoon Gisela, GabyAle and I wanted to go to Galleria, so we took the bus number 4, to later take number 33. We were at the bus stop waiting for bus 33 when suddenly a huge storm fell on top of us. We had but one umbrella so we were group-hugging under it. We were soaking wet. A nice Latin American family rolled down the car window and asked us where we were headed to. They didn’t give us a lift, because they weren’t headed there, but they did give us an extra umbrella. They were really nice. I wish I could repay them what they did. Anyway, but 33 never showed up so we took bus number 4 back to Husky Village. We decided that we were going to go later to Galleria when the rain dispersed a little. And it did, alright, but too late to go to Galleria, because the service stops at 6:40 pm for the bus we needed.

We ended up going to Downtown to search for a nice restaurant. Everything was closed. What the fuck is wrong with Houston’s downtown where everything closes on weekends? Working schedules for most businesses are from 9 to 5 from Monday through Friday. Don’t they realize that that is the same time when people are at work? We found a Popeye’s and had some crispy oiled something. When we left the place, it was already closed for new customers.

At night we ended up watching “Monster House”, then computer-animated movie that was on theaters last year. It was freaking cool! I love kids’ humor that has adult jokes hidden within. Too hidden for a child to realize what’s going on.

The movie ended at around 1:45 am so I left the girls’ apartment before 2 am. No rules broken this time. I feel I’m making accomplishments as a good citizen of Husky Village. As if I even cared.

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