Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Part 21: Independence Day (Galveston revisited)

Wednesday July 4th, 2007.

We left Husky Village early in the morning to go to Galveston. We had it all planned. We were going to watch the 4th of July Parade at 9:00 a.m. and then eat at the Rail Road Museum, to later spend the afternoon at the beach and watch the fireworks at night.

On our way there our plans were literally flushed away. It was raining so bad that it was impossible to see anything more than maybe 10 meters away. Since we were already on the road, we decided to continue on with our journey.

There was not a soul in the city where the parade was supposed to be. I thought that patriotism in the States beat bad weather, but I was wrong. The parade was cancelled, so we had to decide what to do next. There were seven of us, and we couldn’t come to an agreement. Frankly, I was open to any suggestion, whether it was going to the beach or to Moody Gardens or whatever. The only option I didn’t like was to head back to Houston. We asked for directions to anywhere at a gas station and they told us about some Crystal Beach. We headed there, but the road ended at the ferry. When we asked again at another gas station, the man there told us that we needed to take the ferry in order to get to Crystal Beach. So we did. It was still raining really hard. The ferry was fun. When we got on the other side, we drove for miles with no sign of Crystal Beach whatsoever. I tried to text and call Google for directions but I only received businesses with the name of Crystal Beach, not the actual beach itself. After asking in a couple of places and driving around for an hour or two, we finally got to the beach but didn’t get in, because by this time everyone was already tired and wanting to go back. What a waste! I was still hoping to have a good time at the beach, but at that moment the tension in the air was so dense that if you wanted, you would have been able to cut it with a knife. We had to switch places in the cars so that an epic battle didn’t start.

We had to take the ferry back home and this time we saw a lot of dolphins. It was cool. Also, suddenly the raining stopped. Of course, we were already on our way back home.

When we got to Houston we had dinner at a Jack-in-the-box and went to Circuit City. I bought “Monster House” on DVD. It’s the third movie I buy here. I also bought “Catch me if you can” and “Pirates of the Caribbean: The curse of the black pearl” some days earlier.

I took a shower and got ready. We picked Christine, Silvia’s friend, and went to Hermann Memorial Park to see the fireworks. They started just as we got there. The timing was perfect, and the fireworks were pretty cool.

After that, we went to Valhalla, the Bar at Rice, for a couple (a whole bunch) of beers. Ended up pretty drunk, peeing inside the campus. I was not the only one, and it was not the first time (I miss Colorado State).

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